Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ReceiptForLoadingReqestConfirmation | integer |
None. |
ReceiptForProvidenceFeeConfirmation | integer |
None. |
UserId | integer |
None. |
SchemaVersion | string |
None. |
IsSharedWithShipAgent | boolean |
None. |
ShipAgentMisparOsek | string |
None. |
ShipAgentCode | string |
None. |
ShipAgentName | string |
None. |
ShipAgentNameEng | string |
None. |
ShipAgentLeaderName | string |
None. |
ShipAgentLeaderNameEng | string |
None. |
ShipsName | string |
None. |
CargoOwnerName | string |
None. |
AuthorizedToTransportId | string |
None. |
AuthorizedToTransportName | string |
None. |
ContainerList | Collection of Homas.IHomasContract.DeclarationContainer |
None. |
DeclarationMultimodal | Homas.IHomasContract.DeclarationMultiModal |
None. |
UNnumberList | Collection of Homas.IHomasContract.DeclarationUNnumber |
None. |
UNnumberListMix | Collection of Homas.IHomasContract.DeclarationUNnumber |
None. |
GeneralParameters | Homas.IHomasContract.DeclarationGeneralParameters |
None. |
DryParameters | Homas.IHomasContract.DryParametersUI |
None. |
OfficialAuthorization | Homas.IHomasContract.DeclarationOfficialAuthorization |
None. |