Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Sequence | integer |
None. |
ShipperReferenceNumber | string |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
BookingNumber | string |
None. |
AngleOfRepose | integer |
None. |
UnNumbers | Collection of Homas.IHomasContract.UnNumber |
None. |
TankerUnNumbers | Collection of Homas.IHomasContract.TankerUnnumbers |
None. |
Containers | Collection of Homas.IHomasContract.Container |
None. |
Direction | integer |
None. |
DeclarationStatus | Homas.IHomasContract.DeclarationStatus |
None. |
DeclerationStatusDate | date |
None. |
UpdateDate | date |
None. |
ShipAgentCode | string |
None. |
DestinationPort | string |
None. |
VoyageNumber | string |
None. |
CustomAgentId | string |
None. |
ShipperId | string |
None. |
ShipperName | string |
None. |
MoistureContent | string |
None. |
MoistureLimit | string |
None. |
ShipperAddress | string |
None. |
ShipperCountry | string |
None. |
ShipperTel | string |
None. |
EmergencyPhone | string |
None. |
StowageFactor | decimal number |
None. |
TrimmingProcedures | string |
None. |
WeightRemarks | string |
None. |
None. |
None. |
None. |
FILE_OTHER_NAME | string |
None. |
ShipperFax | string |
None. |
ShipperContactPerson | string |
None. |
ShipperEmail | string |
None. |
ConsigneeName | string |
None. |
ConsigneeAddress | string |
None. |
ConsigneeCountry | string |
None. |
ConsigneeTel | string |
None. |
ConsigneeFax | string |
None. |
ConsigneeContactPerson | string |
None. |
ConsigneeEmail | string |
None. |
AuthorizedToTransportDate | date |
None. |
AuthorizedToTransportName | string |
None. |
AuthorizedToContainDate | date |
None. |
AuthorizedToContainName | string |
None. |
AuthorizedToContainID | string |
None. |
IsSharedWithCargoOwner | boolean |
None. |
IsSharedWithCustomAgent | boolean |
None. |
IsSharedWithRaspan | boolean |
None. |
IsSharedWithShipAgent | boolean |
None. |
IsSharedWithAuthorizedToContain | boolean |
None. |
FileMultimodelName | string |
None. |
None. |
flag | string |
None. |